SDS1000X-E Series Super Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Main Features
- 100 and 200 MHz bandwidth models
- 2 or 4 analog channels, 16 logic/MSO optional on 4 channel only
- Real-time sampling rate up to 1 GSa/s
- Math co-processor speeds front panel operation
- Waveform capture rate up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode), and 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode)
- Record length up to 14 Mpts, 1 Mpts FFT
- On-screen Bode plot and web-browser control (standard on 4 channel only)

SDS1000X-E/SDS1000X-U QuickStart
SDS1000X-E/SDS1000X-U QuickStart
USB Cable
USB-A to USB-B. Used to connect instrument to PC for communication.
Power cord
The instrument comes standard with one power cord that meets the standards of the user's country. Additional power cords for different regions can be purchased separately.
Passive Probe
PP510: 100 MHz;
PP215: 200 MHz;
PP215: 200 MHz;