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SIGLENT: Home / Support / Downloads
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R17
Release notes
1. Optimize Autosetup speed
2. Optimize SDS1104X-E bandwidth
3. Standard software functions of FG, LA and WIFI
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

1. New Functionality:
 Add Picture Viewer
 Add Open Source Acknowledge
 Add Remote Control Mode, when entering, the interface displays system time, limit status, system messages, etc., shielding UI refresh. SCPI: DISPlay:WINDow:ENABle ON|OFF
 Save the configuration every 60 seconds, and load it when Power On is turned Last
 SA/VNA mode Limit Setup adds Fail to Save, which automatically saves screenshot and trace data when the Limit Test result is Fail. It can only be used when Fail to Stop is turned ON

2. Improvements:
 Preset optimization: When pressing the Preset button, it will first jump to the Preset menu instead of directly performing Preset; Touch Assist's Preset adds preset option
 Optimization System Info display content
 When taking screenshots, do not capture the message indicating successful screenshot
 Limit the length of numbers entered on the screen and keypad
 Add SCPI commands to read system messages:SYSTem:MESSage?
 Added screenshot function under the Help window
 Set the FFT menu to invalid when the SA mode cannot select FFT
 SA mode can open the Freq Counter for markers other than marker 1
 The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace
 The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace, rather than the current marker’s trace
 The dBc parameter range of the SA mode OBW is changed to negative numbers
 When Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode, set Detect Type to Average
 In SA/MA/EMI mode, Wait for Trigger is displayed only if Trigger is not triggered for 2 seconds.
 Add Display Line in SA/VNA/DTF/MA/EMI mode
 When using markers in SA/VNA/DTF/MA/EMI modes, display the marker info enlarged in the upper left corner of the screen
 SA/EMI mode display more information of limit fail and pass
 Return more marker information when using SCPI command :CALCulate#:MARKer#:Y? in SA mode
 The MA mode supports the SCPI command: TRACe#[:DATA]? to get trace data
 SCPI command for setting marker X in MA mode: TRACe#:MARKer#:X supports specifying time units

3. Solved Issues:
 Fix the problem of the inconsistency between the numerical accuracy displayed in SA mode Freq menu Ref Offset and the status bar on the left
 Fix the problem of Marker display unit error when Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode
 Fix the problem of the SCPI command TRACe#:MODE in the SA mode setting trace type, which causes a crash when the selected trace exceeds the range.
 Fix the problem of not adding Freq Offset to the marker x value in SA mode
 Fix the problem of Correction errors when switching between X-Scale Lin and Log in SA mode
 Fix the problem of inconsistent units and settings for values obtained by SCPI commands :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:RLEVel? in SA/EMI mode
 Fix the problen where Sweep Time may be incorrect when set EqLPF to Auto in MA mode
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R10
Release notes

Revision History

Optimized VGA configuration

Compatibility between Versions

Source Version Object Version Compatibility
6.1.37R9 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.37R8 6.1.31R10 Yes
6.1.37R6 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.37R2 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.26 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.25R2 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.25R1 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.20R1 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.20 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.12R1 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.12 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.33 6.1.37R10 Yes
6.1.35R2 6.1.37R10 Yes

Compatibility with SLA1016

Source Version Object Version Compatibility
8.1.16 6.1.33/6.1.37R10 Yes
8.1.11 6.1.33/6.1.37R10 No
8.1.9 6.1.33/6.1.37R10 No
8.1.8 6.1.33/6.1.37R10 No

Update instructions

  • Important!
Because 6.1.33 fixed a bug with self- calibration for each channel. Please perform a self-calibration if the machine is updated to 6.1.33 (or higher)
  • Very important!
Optimized communication between SDS1xx4X-E and SLA1016. If the SDS1xx4X-E will be upgraded to this version (or higher), the SLA1016 MUST be upgraded to 8.1.16 (or higher) first.
  • Very important!
Because 6.1.20R1 fixed a bug with self- calibration for each channel, immediately perform a self-calibration if the machine is updated to 6.1.20R1 (or higher)
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
  • Add SCPI commands in MA Mode
  • Add Cable Atten to correct cable loss in DTF Mode
  • Add .trc file in EMI Mode
  • Add .lic file auto scan
Solved Issues:
  • Fix pi/4 DPSK和pi/8 DPSK decode errors in MA mode
  • Fix calibration error when port extension on in VNA mode
  • Fix fft frequency error in narrow span in SA mode
  • Fix trace avg calculation error in SA mode
  • Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
  • Added Ext Trigger Delay from 0-10 seconds in SA Mode
  • Added Limit in Log mag and Lin mag format;
  • Added calibration average;
  • Added s1p touchstone file save in VNA mode
  • VNA sweep points up to 10001; Scale down to 0.001 in Smith chart;
  • MA Filter type Nyquist change to Raised Cosine to align SCPI command; improve filter performance in low frequency
  • EMI RBW/Step from 1 to 3
Solved Issues:
  • SA mode:
Fixed the difference between marker and peak and marker style;
Fixed Center Freq error; Fix limit fail to stop error;
Fixed Auto frequency error;
Fixed In normalization, auto re-normalized after any setting changes
  • VNA mode:
Fixed Phase error;
Fixed STA file saving error;
Fixed CSA file loading error;
Fixed S21 calibration error;
Fixed Enhanced calibration error
  • EMI mode:
Fixed Frequency offset error;
Fixed Saving std lim path error
  • Web browser cannot change IP, and cannot login after changing password
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R9
Release notes
Fixed the problem: The skew of the two ADCs is not accuracy for hardware of 09 version (System Status shows Hardware Version: 09-xx). The other hardware version has no this problem.
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
Notice: This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

This version can not be rolled back
Fix the VNA option license error on some SVA1015X and SVA1075X units
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R8
Release notes
  1. Fixed the problem: very few SDS1xx4X-e stuck at self-calibration
  2. Be Compatible with a new VGA chip
SVA1075X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
Notice: This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

​This version can not be rolled back
Fix the VNA option license error on some SVA1015X and SVA1075X units
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R6
Release notes
Fixed the bug in 6.1.37R2 which cause the WiFi does not work
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.37R2
Release notes
  1. Added data logger featuring Sample  and Measurement Logger functions
  2. Added counter function
  3. Added Labels
  4. Added NTP (Network Time Protocol) and Time Zone. Also requires OS update to SDS1xx4X-E_OSV2 which is located on the SIGLENT product webpage. The OS Update Instructions is also included SDS1xx4X-E_OSV2.zip
  5. Modified negative or positive of horizontal delay: Time zero is in trigger. Before trigger, time position is -time (negative delay relative to trigger) and after trigger is +time  (positive delay relative to trigger)
  6. Fixed a bug with Bin2CSV for ROLL mode
  7. Rebuilt Bin2CSV to File Converter which can also convert data logger file to CSV.
  8. Fixed a bug: some case there is a blue line on decode bus
  9. Fixed a bug with saving hex MSO CSV file
  10. Fixed a bug: After rebooting , Bode Plot cursor can’t be moved
  11. Fixed a bug: fine adjusting with customer probe
  12. WiFi supported Spaces and Special Characters
SVA1032X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • This version can not be rolled back
  • Fix TG switch error at small RBW
  • Fix Help and Limit file lost when Factory reset
  • Fix Auto open delay unit error in VNA mode
  • Fix CNR calc error when no peak found
  • Fix OBW result overflow
  • Fix Harmonic calc error at 100Hz RBW
  • Fix Reflection Open+Short calibration action
  • Fix spectrum amplitude error in DMA mode
  • Optimize EMI .csv file content to all signal list
  • Optimize EMI peak search
  • Optimize Auto cal process
  • Add Peak search to Spectrum in DMA mode
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.35R2
Release notes
1. Added support for the SAG1021I USB Isolated AWG Module Hardware
2. Fixed the bug: Sometimes PNSU command returns invalid value (Need referring to the latest Program Guide)
3. Added 9 data bits for UART decoding
4. Fixed the bug of UART decoder with some special settings
5. Increased baud rate of UART trigger from 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps
6. Fixed the bug: The command ‘WF? DAT2’returns error length of waveform when digital is enable
7. Fixed the bug: CSV file of waveform has no indication of the trigger point in the data
8. Fixed the bug: After repowering all FFT markers are on just one peak
9. Fixed the bug: After repowering, signal level of CAN trigger can't be recalled
10. Fixed a few SCPI Commands errors:
       C3:INVERT_SET? is missing
       HISTORY_LIST? is missing
       DIGITAL:LOW8_SWICHT, typo in name
       C5:COUPLING? typo in name
11. Fixed the Bode Plot bug: Sometime there isn't enough delay after the scope switches timebase values before it tries to take a measurement
12. Fixed the bug: Matlab can’t import 14 M Matlab waveform files
13. Fixed the bug:‘WF?’command ignores the length set by ‘WFSU’ for digital
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.38R4
Release notes
1.Solve the problem of output desynchronization when modulation depth/phase deviation/frequency deviation is changed in channel tracking mode with AM/PM/FM modulation
2.Solve the problem of abnormal output waveform when switching back to the internal clock when the external reference clock is abnormal.
3.Solve the problem of occasional abnormal output waveform after power on
4.Add the function of long pressing store/recall to save screenshots
SSA3000X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
1. New Functionality:
  • Add Picture Viewer
  • Add Open Source Acknowledge
  • Add Remote Control Mode, when entering, the interface displays system time, limit status, system messages, etc., shielding UI refresh. SCPI: DISPlay:WINDow:ENABle ON|OFF
  • Save the configuration every 60 seconds, and load it when Power On is turned Last
  • SA mode Limit Setup adds Fail to Save, which automatically saves screenshot and trace data when the Limit Test result is Fail.  It can only be used when Fail to Stop is turned ON 
2. Improvements:
  • Preset optimization: When pressing the Preset button, it will first jump to the Preset menu instead of directly performing Preset; Touch Assist's Preset adds preset option
  • Optimization System Info display content
  • When taking screenshots, do not capture the message indicating successful screenshot
  • Limit the length of numbers entered on the screen and keypad
  • Add SCPI commands to read system messages:SYSTem:MESSage?
  • Added screenshot function under the Help window
  • Set the FFT menu to invalid when the SA mode cannot select FFT
  • SA mode can open the Freq Counter for markers other than marker 1
  • The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace
  • The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace, rather than the current marker’s trace
  • The dBc parameter range of the SA mode OBW is changed to negative numbers
  • When Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode, set Detect Type to Average
  • In SA/MA/EMI mode, Wait for Trigger is displayed only if Trigger is not triggered for 2 seconds.
  • When using markers in SA/MA/EMI modes, display the marker info enlarged in the upper left corner of the screen
  • SA/EMI mode display more information of limit fail and pass
  • The MA mode supports the SCPI command: TRACe#[:DATA]? to get trace data
  • SCPI command for setting marker X in MA mode: TRACe#:MARKer#:X supports specifying time units 
3. Solved Issues:
  • Fix the problem of the inconsistency between the numerical accuracy displayed in SA mode Freq menu Ref Offset and the status bar on the left
  • Fix the problem of Marker display unit error when Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of the SCPI command TRACe#:MODE in the SA mode setting trace type, which causes a crash when the selected trace exceeds the range.
  • Fix the problem of not adding Freq Offset to the marker x value in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of Correction errors when switching between X-Scale Lin and Log in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of inconsistent units and settings for values obtained by SCPI commands :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:RLEVel? in SA/EMI mode
  • Fix the problen where Sweep Time may be incorrect when set EqLPF to Auto in MA mode
SNA5022A&SNA5032A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Add material measurement function option
2. Add switch matrix expansion multi-port application options
SDM3055 Firmware Update
Version: V1.02.01.28
Release notes
  1. Added software options for accessory SCD30A.
  2. Only upgrading to can upgrade to this version
SVA1032X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option

Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix ADC overload warning error, and time unit error in Calibration in VNA Mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Add material measurement function option
2. Add switch matrix expansion multi-port application options
SDM3055 Firmware Update
Version: V1.02.01.27R2
Release notes
  • Supports EMMC flash.
  • Add user-defined cold end compensation for temperature measurement.
  • After upgrading to version 1.02, you cannot return to version 1.01
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.37R8
Release notes
1. Solve the problem of slow USB drive detection during startup
2. Solve the problem of outputting abnormal pulses during burst mode
3. Add instructions for saving and reading status(XML)files
4. Add the instruction to clear the statistics of the counter
SSA3000X Plus Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option

Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix ADC overload warning error, and time unit error in Calibration in VNA Mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. add manual configuration of DC under TDR
2. overwrite function added to calibration
3. optimize synchronization of extemal triggers for pulse measurements
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.4
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from v2.1.1.1 or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, don’t use this FW to update.

Solved Issues:
• Fix the problem that the bandwidth of the emi filter in SA mode
• Fix the problem that setting the TG Level in SA mode may cause TG to have no output
• Fix the problem that the n dB Marker measurement results in SA mode are inconsistent with the OBW measurement results
• Fix the problem that there is an invalid frequency menu in Harmonic in SA mode
• Fix an issue where 'micro' relative units represented by 'u' were not recognized when reading files
SDM3055 Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.27R2
SDG2000X Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.37R6
Release notes
1.Compatible with Rev.G hardware
2.Fix the bug that the system does not respond when there is no operation for a long time after the counter is turned on
SSA3000X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
  • Add SCPI commands in MA Mode
  • Add .trc file in EMI Mode
  • Add .lic file auto scan
Solved Issues:
  • Fix pi/4 DPSK和pi/8 DPSK decode errors in MA mode
  • Fix fft frequency error in narrow span in SA mode
  • Fix trace avg calculation error in SA mode
  • Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
SVA1075X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option

Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix ADC overload warning error, and time unit error in Calibration in VNA Mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.33
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.9R6
Release notes
Made Option 16LA and Option FG Standard
SNA5022A&SNA5032A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1.Add manual configuration of DC under TDR
2.Add calibration overwrite function
3.Optimize synchronization of external triggers for pulse measurements
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.37R3
Release notes
  1. Compatible with Rev.F hardware; if the hardware version is “05-xx-xx-xx-xx”, it will not support to roll back previous firmware version
  2. Supported trig dual channel separated when use manual trigger.
  3. Supported using another channel as the modulation source
  4. Supported setting the output frequency after the completion of sweep
  5. Counter add fast measurement mode
  6. Changed the square waveform data used in square FM modulation
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.15R2
Release notes
  1. Fixed the bug that startup occasional failures
  2. Fixed the bug of burst sync output exception
  3. Fixed the bug that may not output when switch the waveform after the burst is turn off
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.3R1
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from v2.1.1.1 or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, don’t use this FW to update.
  • Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
Solved Issues:
  • Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
  • Fix the OPC response in EMI mode
SSA3000X Plus Firmware Update
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
  • Added Ext Trigger Delay from 0-10 seconds in SA Mode
Solved Issues:
  • Fixed the difference between marker and peak and marker style;
  • Fixed Center Freq error;
  • Fixed limit fail to stop error;
  • Fixed Auto frequency error;
  • Fixed in normalization, auto re-normalized after any setting changes
  • EMI frequency offset error; saving std lim path error
  • Web browser cannot change IP, and cannot login after changing password
SDM3055 Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.25
Release notes
  • Add the scan card setup save & recall function.
  • Optimize the slot time of the channel switching of scan card.
  • Optimize flash R&W design。
  • Fix some UI & SCPI bugs
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.9R3
Release notes
CAUTION: This release cannot be downgraded to previous releases.
  1. Compatible with new hardware
  2. Supported new probes: SCP5030A/SCP5150/SCP5500, SAP5000D
  3. Trigger: modified the trigger strategy of /AND and OR trigger from FALSE-to-TRUE to TRUE-to-FALSE
  4. Acquisition: modified the Average strategy in Single mode from acquiring one frame to acquiring averaged X frames (where X = Average count)
  5. Optimized UI
  6. Fixed several bugs
  • Freezing issue in Roll mode
  • Freezing issue relative to Stop-on-Search-Event in Search mode
  • In some case the scope does not update the waveform traces after a long time
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V
Release notes
1. This firmware must be upgraded from V1.2.8.1 or later, V2.X.X.X versions are not supported for upgrading this firmware. If your SSA3000X has an earlier version, please update to V1.2.8.1 first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
2. Fixed the error in setting RBW in EasySpectrum when using emi filter.
3. Optimize the settable range of Ref Level. When the maximum value of Correction data that is turned on is positive, the maximum settable Ref Level is correspondingly increased by an equal value.
4. Fixed TOI measurement marked error.
5. Fixed the issue of possible crash when using the scpi command [:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET#:DATA? to read Correction data.
6. Optimize the use of command :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel to set Ref Level. If no unit is specified, the current amplitude unit is used as the unit.
7. Fixed the issue where the command :CALCulate:MARKer#:Y? may read Marker amplitude value incorrectly when using Video Trigger.
8. Add Peak to Center command
SNA5022A&SNA5032A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Fixed the range limits for frequency and power in mixer measurements
2. Fixed the trace title bar color to match the memory trace color
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.9.8
Release notes
  1. This firmware must be upgraded from V1.2.8.1 or later. If your SSA3000X has an earlier version, please update to V1.2.8.1 first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  2. Compatible with different batches hardware
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.15
Release notes
1. Supported to automatically enable the output after power-on: Utility | Output Setup | Power on State
2. Compatible with Rev.E hardware 
SSA3075X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
  • This version can not be rolled back
  • Fix TG switch error at small RBW
  • Fix Help and Limit file lost when Factory reset
  • Fix CNR calc error when no peak found
  • Fix OBW result overflow
  • Fix Harmonic calc error at 100Hz RBW
  • Fix Reflection Open+Short calibration action
  • Fix spectrum amplitude error in DMA mode
  • Optimize EMI .csv file content to all signal list
  • Optimize EMI peak search
  • Optimize Auto cal process
  • Add Peak search to Spectrum in DMA mode
SDM3055 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.22
Release notes
  1. Fixed some crash fault about U disk save or recall.
  2. Fixed some bugs about ‘acquire’ function.
  3. Improve the trend display function.
SVA1032X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
  • Add user defined VNA calibration kits
  • Add VNA 0 span calibration
Solved Issues:
  • Fix avg power bug in EMI Mode
  • Fix amplitude bug in AMA Mode
  • Fix peak search bug in SCPI command
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.35R3B2
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.26
Release notes
1.Made Option 16LA Standard
2.Added new Analysis function: Serial Signal Test (Analysis | Serial Signal Test)
3.Optimized UI
4.Supported USB-GPIB adapter
5.Fixed several bugs
a)IP setting issue
b)Scope dead when FW upgrade fails in the case that space at /local not enough
c)"Bended" / "tilted" trace at small V/div
d)Math: Filter sample rate adaption cannot work
e)Frequency / Period measurements fail on certain waveforms
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Fixed the range limits for frequency and power in mixer measurements. 
2. Fixed the trace title bar color to match the memory trace color. 
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.8R2
Release notes
Fixed an issue in production process.
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.9.7
Release notes
  1. This firmware must be upgraded from V1.2.8.1 or later. If your SSA3000X has an earlier version, please update to V1.2.8.1 first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  2. Fixed the LOG scale sweep time and display error
  3. Fixed the trace file .trc load and display error
  4. Improve the stability of TG
  5. Add peak excursion require command

Add sweep state require command

Add N dB Bandwidth left and right frequency require command
SDM3055 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.22R1
Release notes
  1. Fix some unit faults of 22version.
  2. Fixed some bugs about communication with EasyDMM
SSA3021/3032X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
  • This version can not be rolled back
  • Fix TG switch error at small RBW
  • Fix Help and Limit file lost when Factory reset
  • Fix CNR calc error when no peak found
  • Fix OBW result overflow
  • Fix Harmonic calc error at 100Hz RBW
  • Fix Reflection Open+Short calibration action
  • Fix spectrum amplitude error in DMA mode
  • Optimize EMI .csv file content to all signal list
  • Optimize EMI peak search
  • Optimize Auto cal process
  • Add Peak search to Spectrum in DMA mode
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.35R3B1
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.13R9
SDS1xx2X-E Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.23
SNA5022A&SNA5032A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
Added Pulse modulation function
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.8R1
Release notes
1. Increased the data width of saved Average and ERES data from 8-bit to 16-bit
2. Decode: added ARINC429
3. Math: added RBW display for FFT
4. Supported 12-hour time with AM and PM
5. Remote control:
Supported the USB-GPIB adapter
    Added command supporting to query average count when Acquisition = Average
    Added command supporting to enable/disable axis labels
Fixed several bugs
    Incorrect prompt when saving .csv with “Save all channels” to a U-disk as specified file name
    Channel ON / OFF labels are inconsistent 
    Freezing issue caused by command CURSor:XDELta?
SDS2000X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V1.5.2R3
Release notes
Fixed an issue on the production line
SSA3015X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
  • This version can not be rolled back
  • Fix TG switch error at small RBW
  • Fix Help and Limit file lost when Factory reset
  • Fix CNR calc error when no peak found
  • Fix OBW result overflow
  • Fix Harmonic calc error at 100Hz RBW
  • Fix Reflection Open+Short calibration action
  • Fix spectrum amplitude error in DMA mode
  • Optimize EMI .csv file content to all signal list
  • Optimize EMI peak search
  • Optimize Auto cal process
  • Add Peak search to Spectrum in DMA mode
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.9.6
Release notes
  1. This firmware must be upgraded from V1.2.8.1 or later. If your SSA3000X has an earlier version, please update to V1.2.8.1 first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  2. Fixed the problem unit in TG and the UNCAL condition
  3. Fixed the AVG detector in frequency LOG scale
  4. Fixed the display error with long file name
  5. Fixed some SCPI commands
  6. Fixed the beeper switch
  7. Fixed the .cor file error when recalling it
  8. Add Limit mask offset in frequency and amplitude
SVA1032X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
Notice: This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
• Update EMI option to a new EMI measurement mode
• Added more VNA calibration kits with N/3.5mm type connectors to 4.5G/9.0GHz
• Added *.CSA file type to store instrument setup and calibration data in one file for easy recall and use of a saved state.
• Update user calibration data format.
User calibration data taken with previous firmware revisions will no longer be compatible with the instrument after upgrading to V2.8. You will have to store new user calibration files if you update the instrument.
• VNA Port 1 output power and Port2 input Att adjustable
• Improve TG output harmonic performance
• Update Help file
Solved Issues:
• Fix some ADC overload warning
• Fix Ch Power calculation bug in small span
SHS820 Firmware Update
Version: V5.10.01.03
Release notes
Fixed a measure bug
SDM3055 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.20R2
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.23R8
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.13R6
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.25R2
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.9.5
Release notes
Made Option 16LA and Option FG Standard
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.33R8
Release notes
  1. add the function of long pressing store/recall to save screenshots.
  2. corrected the amplitude deviation problem of ramp waveform output.
  3. fixed the problem of error prompt when inserting U disk. 
  4. fixed the problem of sync signal output error in modulation mode.
  5. corrected the problem of abnormal output of small-amplitude FM signal.
  6. solve the problem of abnormal output when using external clock. 
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
Added Pulse modulation function
Release notes
Fixed a calibration bug only existing on Rev.G hardware (06-xx).
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.7R5
Release notes
  1. Optimized frequency response of 350 MHz model
  2. Fixed several bugs
    1. Screenshot Save Info Box does not close automatically
    2. Random +/-400 ps skew between channels after power cycle
    3. No display from Web Server if the scope boots with a USB device connected
SPD3303X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. This firmware version only supports V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E
A. V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E do not support rolling back to the previous firmware version
B. < V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E do not support upgrading to this version
2. Released P20 version of EasyPower to match this firmware
SPD3303X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. This firmware version only supports V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E
A. V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E do not support rolling back to the previous firmware version
B. < V6.1 hardware version of SPD3303X/X-E do not support upgrading to this version
2. Released P20 version of EasyPower to match this firmware
SSA3075X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option
Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
Notice: This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
• Update EMI option to a new EMI measurement mode
• Added more VNA calibration kits with N/3.5mm type connectors to 4.5G/9.0GHz
• Added *.CSA file type to store instrument setup and calibration data in one file for easy recall and use of a saved state.
• Update user calibration data format.
CAUTION: User calibration data taken with previous firmware revisions will no longer be compatible with the instrument after upgrading to V2.8. You will have to store new user calibration files if you update the instrument.
• VNA Port 1 output power and Port2 input Att adjustable
• Improve TG output harmonic performance
• Update Help file
Solved Issues:
• Fix some ADC overload warning
• Fix Ch Power calculation bug in small span
SHS800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.09.01.07
Release notes
Fixed a measure bug
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.23R7
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.13R5
SDM3055 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.19
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.9.3a
​SNA5022A&SNA5032A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added user manual calibration and verification function (option)
2. Added the function that the number of vertical grid can be set
3. Added the function of supporting logarithmic display of vertical coordinates
4. Added point limit function

SDS1000CML Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.25
Release notes
Compatible with new hardware
Release notes
  1. Measurement enhancement - Added setup/hold time: tsu@R, tsu@F, th@R, th@F
  2. Optimized UI
  3. Added SCPI commands for Measure Cursors and clearing measure items in Simple mode
  4. Supported LXI (only with the Uboot-OS Version 5.4)
  5. Supported time zone setting
  6. Fixed several bugs
    1. Webserver doesn’t show instrument UI if the scope reboot with a wireless mouse connected
    2. Incorrect “Recall”icon in the File Manager
    3. Scope freezes with AWG enabled and measure cursor on rise time
    4. IP setting of AWG in Bode Plot not remembered after reboot
    5. Network storage only works for SMB1.0
    6. MEAS:SIMPle:ITEM\sOVSN,ON does not work as expected
    7. Roll time incorrect at 1ks/div and 20kpts
    8. Raw data not consistent in x and sinx/x interpolation modes
    9. Math: Dx parameter of Derivation cannot be increased by universal control
    10. Incorrect FFT sample rate
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.7R2
Release notes
  1. Acquire: supported Fixed Sample Rate and Fixed Memory Depth modes
  2. Connectivity:
    1. Supported LXI
    2. Supported Network Storage
  3. Measure: improved the AIM limit from 1,000 to up to 25,000 (AIM limit: the upper limit of horizontal parameters measure statistics in one frame )
  4. Power Analysis: supported MOSFET SOA (Safe Operating Area)
  5. Channel:
    1. Two custom probe ratio options supported
    2. Supported LeCroy CP030 current probe (with LPA10 adapter)
  6. UX: Added support for mouse wheel when using a mouse
  7. Optimized UI
  8. Remote Control: Supported to read sequence segments by WF command
  9. Optimized the Bode Plot
  10. Fixed several bugs
    1. Incorrect zoom trace in Roll mode (Stop)
    2. Bode Plot draw error (missing draw)
    3. Bode Plot zig-zag phase
    4. [Measure]  Gating settings cannot be typed in
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.33R3
Release notes
Fixed a bug. Resolved occasional startup failures.
SPD3303X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
  1. Add the OCP function (Long push the right arrow button (’→’) get into or exit OCP function).
  2. Different font colors when the power is ON and OFF.
  3. Some improvements about the USB’s stability.
SSA3021/3032X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option
Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.9.2a
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.23R3
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.12R2
SDM3055 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.16R2
SHS820 Firmware Update
Version: V5.10.01.01
SDS2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.2.2R19
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.20R7
Release notes
Standard software functions of FG and LA.
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
1. New Functionality:
  • Add Picture Viewer
  • Add Open Source Acknowledge
  • Add Remote Control Mode, when entering, the interface displays system time, limit status, system messages, etc., shielding UI refresh. SCPI: DISPlay:WINDow:ENABle ON|OFF
  • Save the configuration every 60 seconds, and load it when Power On is turned Last
  • SA/VNA mode Limit Setup adds Fail to Save, which automatically saves screenshot and trace data when the Limit Test result is Fail.  It can only be used when Fail to Stop is turned ON 
2. Improvements:
  • Preset optimization: When pressing the Preset button, it will first jump to the Preset menu instead of directly performing Preset; Touch Assist's Preset adds preset option
  • Optimization System Info display content
  • When taking screenshots, do not capture the message indicating successful screenshot
  • Limit the length of numbers entered on the screen and keypad
  • Add SCPI commands to read system messages:SYSTem:MESSage?
  • Added screenshot function under the Help window
  • Set the FFT menu to invalid when the SA mode cannot select FFT
  • SA mode can open the Freq Counter for markers other than marker 1
  • The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace
  • The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace, rather than the current marker’s trace
  • The dBc parameter range of the SA mode OBW is changed to negative numbers
  • When Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode, set Detect Type to Average
  • In SA/MA/EMI mode, Wait for Trigger is displayed only if Trigger is not triggered for 2 seconds.
  • Add Display Line in VNA/DTF/MA/RTSA/EMI mode
  • When using markers in SA/VNA/DTF/MA/EMI modes, display the marker info enlarged in the upper left corner of the screen
  • SA/EMI mode display more information of limit fail and pass
  • Return more marker information when using SCPI command :CALCulate#:MARKer#:Y? in SA mode
  • The MA mode supports the SCPI command: TRACe#[:DATA]? to get trace data
  • SCPI command for setting marker X in MA mode: TRACe#:MARKer#:X supports specifying time units 
3. Solved Issues:
  • Fix the problem of the inconsistency between the numerical accuracy displayed in SA mode Freq menu Ref Offset and the status bar on the left
  • Fix the problem of Marker display unit error when Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of the SCPI command TRACe#:MODE in the SA mode setting trace type, which causes a crash when the selected trace exceeds the range.
  • Fix the problem of not adding Freq Offset to the marker x value in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of Correction errors when switching between X-Scale Lin and Log in SA mode
  • Fix the problem of inconsistent units and settings for values obtained by SCPI commands :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:RLEVel? in SA/EMI mode
  • Fix the problen where Sweep Time may be incorrect when set EqLPF to Auto in MA mode
  • Fix the problem of Max Hold error in RTSA mode
SDG6000X Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.36R8
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added user manual calibration and verification function (option)
2. Added the function that the number of vertical grid can be set
3. Added the function of supporting logarithmic display of vertical coordinates
4. Added point limit function
SDS1000DL+ Series Firmware update
Version: V6.02.01.13
Release notes
1. Compatible with new hardware
Release notes
  1. Fixed several bugs of 1.3.9R10
    1. Compatibility issue on 2-channel models
    2. WebServer control issue
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.5R3
Release notes
  1. Supported CAN-H, CAN-L as decode sources
  2. Fixed several bugs
    1. Unexpected skew between channels after Stop in Roll mode
    2. Some trigger setting with dual-level may lead the scope not to start-up properly
SDS1000CML+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.22
Release notes
1. Compatible with different batches hardware
SPD3303X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
  1. Add the OCP function (Long push the right arrow button (’→’) get into or exit OCP function).
  2. Different font colors when the power is ON and OFF.
  3. Some improvements about the USB’s stability.
SSA3015X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option
Solved Issues:
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.33R1B6
Release notes
1. Optimized debounce of the front panel buttons.
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.15R2
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.12R1
SHS800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.09.01.05
SLA1016(Optional) Firmware Update
Version: V7.8.1.8
SDS2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.2.2R15
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.9.1
SSG5000X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
1、Added open source agreement description.
SDS6000 Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.9.3
Release notes
1. Supported new probes: Siglent’s SCP5030, SCP5030A, SCP5150, SCP5500 and LeCroy’s CP150, HVD3106A
2. Option to hide Memory and Math traces
3. Webserver: Screenshot can be directly copied and pasted
4. Fixed several bugs
a) Decode Threshold bug
b) NO persistence available with frames captured b
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.20R6
Release notes
  1. Fixed the bug: The average of measurement is mistake for 35M points
  2. Optimized the time of auto-setup
SDM3065X Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.12R1
SPD1305X Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.9R1
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added scalar mixer measurement function
2. Adjusted and optimized the spectrum analysis measure interface
SDG6000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.36R3
Release notes
Compatible with new hardware (hardware version: 04-xx).
  1. This is a firmware compatible with new hardware. No feature or specification difference between it and 1.3.9R6. It’s not necessary to upgrade it from 1.3.9R6 to this release.
  2. This release cannot be downgraded to former releases. 
SDS1000DL+ Series Firmware update
Version: V6.02.01.11
Release notes
1.  Compatible with different batches hardware
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.5R2
Release notes
Fixed a bug which may cause failure on installation of option key in 0.9.5R1.

0.9.5R1 revision history:
1. Expanded the post-trigger range from 5,000 to 10,000 divisions
2. Measurement:
  a) Supported cursors for measurement
  b) Supported Track plot
3. Display:
  a) Supported to show bandwidth information on the channel descriptor box
  b) Supported to display axis label
4. Save/Recall: a) Supported to Print only grid area b) Supported to save FFT result
5. DVM: Supported limit beeper
6. Updated Russian menu
7. Fixed several bugs
  a) Last Save/Recall path is not remembered
8. Measurement invalid in Roll when acquisition stops and Zoom is enabled
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
  • This version can not be rolled back
  • Fix TG switch error at small RBW
  • Fix Help and Limit file lost when Factory reset
  • Fix Auto open delay unit error in VNA mode
  • Fix CNR calc error when no peak found
  • Fix OBW result overflow
  • Fix Harmonic calc error at 100Hz RBW
  • Fix Reflection Open+Short calibration action
  • Fix spectrum amplitude error in DMA mode
  • Optimize EMI .csv file content to all signal list
  • Optimize EMI peak search
  • Optimize Auto cal process
  • Add Peak search to Spectrum in DMA mode
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.3R3
Release notes
  1. Expanded the offset range
  2. New serial protocols supported (optional):
    1. SENT, trigger & decode
    2. Manchester, decode only
  3. Measurement enhancement:
    1. Supported user-defined thresholds (Upper, Middle and Lower): Measure | Config | Threshold
    2. Added items: +Area@AC, -Area@AC, Area@AC, AbsArea@AC
  4. Math:
    1. Added new operator – Interpolate
    2. Added function expression information to the math descriptor box
  5. Display:
    1. Supported selectable color for traces: Display | Color Setting
    2. Supported floating menu so that the waveform is not compressed  horizontally when the right-side menu is displayed: Display | Menu Style
    3. Supported to hide analog traces
  6. Save/Recall:
    1. Added option “Save all channel” for csv file
    2. Supported to save math traces (except FFT)
  7. Supported serial trigger as source of the frequency counter
  8. Supported LeCroy probes ZD1000/ZD1500 with LPA10 probe adapter; supported Tek TekProbe interface level II probes with TPA10 probe adapter
Added button to reset remote password: Utility | System Setting | I/O | Web 
SVA1032X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SDS1000CML+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.21R2
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.11
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.33R1B5
SDS2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.2.2R10
SDS1xx2X-E Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.17R1
SDS1000CFL_2CH Firmware Update
Version: V5.08.02.38
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.8.5a
SPD3303X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SSG3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added open source agreement description.
SSG5000X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
1、Add the option to support SigIQPro upscaling file playback function
SDS6000 Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.8.3
Release notes
  1. FFT: supported horizontal log axis
  2. Channel: optimized strategy of adding a trace
  3. Fixed several bugs
          a. Bode plot: load and sweep settings not remembered; no virtual keypad for setting of some parameters
          b. ARINC429 trigger not work on SDS6104 Pro
SDM3045X Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.09R2
SPD1168X Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.9R1
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added Freq Offset function
2. Optimized some functions of spectrum analysis
3. Added status bar to display smooth status
4. Added advanced mode for bandwidth search, support frequency percentage bandwidth setting function
5. Optimized the Marker->Delay algorithm
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.20R3
Release notes
1.   Compatible new hardware
Release notes
  1. Fixed several bugs
    1. When selecting the option screen the scope hangs
    2. Wrong FFT frequency when memory depth > 10 Mpts
    3. Incorrect network storage path leads the scope to hang
SDM3065X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.10
Release notes
1. Add the scan card setup save&recall function.
2. Optimize the slot time of the channel switching of scan card.
3. Optimize flash R&W design.
4. Fix some UI & SCPI bugs
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• Add EMI filter in SA for EMI option

Solved Issues:
• Optimize the response in RTSA
• Optimize the TG flatness and control procedure
• Optimize Help
• Fix Correction, .csv file, add peak numbers to 20 in EMI mode
• Fix ADC overload warning error, and time unit error in Calibration in VNA Mode
• Fix amplitude error in DMA Mode
• Fix the frequency band downgrade to 3.2GHz on some units
• Fix upgrade failure issue
SSA3021/3032X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
Solved Issues:
  • Fix avg power bug in EMI Mode
  • Fix amplitude bug in AMA Mode
  • Fix peak search bug in SCPI command
SHS1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.09.01.07
Release notes
Fixed a measure bug
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.9.1B2
Release notes
Fixed the bug the attenuation factor is not correct for the SAP1000 probe
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SDS1000DL+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.02.01.10R2
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.10
SDG5000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.15R5
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.33R1
SHS820 Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.02.02R7
SDS2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.2.2
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.20R1
SDS1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SDS1000CFL_4CH Firmware Update
Version: V5.03.02.38
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.8.3
SPD3303X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SPD3303C Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Improved LED blinks
A.  V2.0 hardware version of SPD3303C do not support rolling back to the previous firmware version
B.   V1.0 hardware version of SPD3303C do not support upgrading to this version
C.  Press and hold the "NO.1~5" button for 2 seconds, after releasing it, it will display H2.0, which is the V2.0 version hardware
SSG3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Fixed the defects related to the flatness list function
2.Fixed the defects related to SCPI command
3. Fixed the defects related to the VNC function.
SSG5000X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
  • Add function of IQ stream
  • Add function of IOT ,include Zigbee and Z-wave
  • Add pause key at sweep mode .
  • Add unlock “REMote” command “ :SYSTem:REMote 0”
  • Optimize function of IQ
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.5.2
Release notes
1.Eye Diagram: supported 100Base-T1 (PAM3)
2.SCPI: Supported Search
3.Supported USB-GPIB
4.Fixed several bugs
  • DY-WTFK-202203165613:Spectrum menu after installing
  • DY-WTFK-202209237014: Scope restarts acquisition after few seconds when stopped
  • DY-WTFK-202207076348: Filter settings way off in special acquisition modes
  • DY-WTFK-202209237015: Zone trigger doesn’t work at some input frequencies
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added independent configuration function of emission source in spectrum mode
2. Optimized the sweep process
3. Optimized TDR interface
4. Added command for transferring file data
5. Added marker->SA commands
SPD1305X Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.9
Release notes
  1. Added the OCP function (Long push “Fine” to enter or exit OCP function)
  2. Fixed a command stop character bug
SPD1168X Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.9
Release notes
  1. Added the OCP function (Long push “Fine” to enter or exit OCP function)
  2. Fixed a command stop character bug
SDM3045X Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.07R1
Release notes
1. Add the customer sensor support.
2. Optimize flash R&W design。 
3. Fix some UI & SCPI bugs
Release notes
  1. Measurement enhancement:
    1. Supported cursors for measurement
    2. Supported Track plot
    3. Added parameters: Positive Slope and Negative Slope
  2. Display:
    1. Supported to display axis label
    2. Auto hide menu setting increased to 10 seconds
    3. Added “Hide” button in the fast menu of channel for quickly hiding trace
  3. Save/Recall:
    1. Supported network storage
    2. Supported to Print only grid area
    3. Supported to save FFT result
    4. Updated the File Manager
  4. Bode Plot:
    1. The maximum generator amplitude changed from 6Vp-p to 24Vp-p
    2. Supported single sweep
  5. Horizontal: Time Zero strategy updated – time zero changed from center display to trigger position.
  6. Acquisition: Deleted some unnecessary clear operations on the history buffer
  7. Updated Russian menu
  8. Supported setting Cursors by virtual keypad
  9. Fixed several bugs
    1. Decode failure occurs on last nibble or byte
    2. The “STL?” query issue in AWG function
    3. If persistence is enabled, and you change the trigger setting, persistence will be switched off
    4. Decode list can't go higher than item #2
    5. Decode format is reset to "binary" when recalling stored settings
    6. Sequence capture does not work with serial trigger from digital channel
    7. ERES 0.5-bit works for ERES(C1), but not for ERES(F1)
    8. The icons for rise and fall time in the Measure Select screen are reversed
    9. When switching the attenuator, the message “Zone is too small” appears
    10. After shutting-down the scope and rebooting not all settings are restored
    11. Bode plot abnormal when Sequence is enabled
    12. SENT decode: tolerance not functional
    13. SENT decode: only display CRC segment but no calculation on the
    14. CRC checksum
    15. SENT decode: The Short Serial data is NOT decoded if only 16 frames are sent. If a 17th frame follows, the data is decoded
    16. SENT decode: Changing the horizontal time/div affects the ability to decode.
    17. Save/recall: Number of digits of time stamp is not enough in the long period
    18. Infinite persistence not works after switching between 8-bit and 10-bit
    19. Tolerance of UART decode too strict
    20. FFT max. scale is unrealistic
SDM3065X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.08R1
Release notes
  1. Fixed some crash faults about U disk Save &Recall.
  2. Fixed some bugs about “acquire” function.
  3. Improve the trend display function.
  4. Fixed some bugs about communication with EasyDMM
SDG6000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.36
Release notes
  1. Allowed one channel to modulate the other
  2. Supported Burst in TrueArb mode
  3. Supported Burst Counter in Burst mode so the number of burst trains can be set to > 1 when trigger source = external or manual
  4. Added an option to let the SDG start with activated outputs
  5. Added 50 ohm output impedance text in the UI
  6. Able to remember the digit of a parameter that had been modified
  7. Fixed several bugs:
    1. DDS interpolation bug
    2. Switching on/off output causes random phase deviation between channels in Track mode
    3. Incorrect square/pulse waveform initialization in some cases
    4. Unable to store the level settings for noise
    5. Unable to recognize the command MODE PHASE-LOCKED
    6. Freezing issue when being written a 20MB long file with the EasyWaveX
    7. The setting "BANDSET" with Waveform = NOISE leads to inconsistent behavior on the Noise Bandwidth of the output signal; The real-time noise bandwidth on channel 2 is changed if an AM sine modulation is switched on channel 1
    8. Unable to install the IQ option before 30 trials run out
SSA3015X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
Solved Issues:
  • Fix avg power bug in EMI Mode
  • Fix amplitude bug in AMA Mode
  • Fix peak search bug in SCPI command
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.19R5
Release notes
1. Added support for the SAG1021I USB Isolated AWG Module Hardware
2. Fixed the bug: Sometimes PNSU command returns invalid value (Need referring to the latest Program Guide)
3. Added 9 data bits for UART decoding
4. Fixed the bug of UART decoder with some special settings
5. Increased baud rate of UART trigger from 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps
6. Fixed the bug: The command ‘WF? DAT2’returns error length of waveform when digital is enable
7. Fixed the bug: CSV file of waveform has no indication of the trigger point in the data
8. Fixed the bug: After repowering all FFT markers are on just one peak
9. Fixed the bug: After repowering, signal level of CAN trigger can't be recalled
10. Fixed a few SCPI Commands errors:
C3:INVERT_SET? is missing
HISTORY_LIST? is missing
DIGITAL:LOW8_SWICHT, typo in name
C5:COUPLING? typo in name
11. Fixed the Bode Plot bug: Sometime there isn't enough delay after the scope switches timebase values before it tries to take a measurement
12. Fixed the bug: Matlab can’ t import 14 M Matlab waveform files
13. Fixed the bug:‘WF?’ command ignores the length set by ‘WFSU’ for digital
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.09
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.30R1B2
SDG5000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.15R1
Release notes
1.Optimized PLL configuration
2.Fixed several bugs
a.Enabling Mod on CH2 may disable Burst on CH1
b.Duty cycle error on Square wave with very long period
c.SCPI command cannot adjust the phase difference between two synchronized units
d.Manual trigger cannot trigger both channels simultaneously
SHS1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.09.01.05
SDS1xx4X-E Firmware Update
Version: V6.1.12
SDS1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SDS1000DL+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.02.01.08
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.8.2
SPD3303X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SDL1000X/X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.1.23R2
Release notes
1. Sloved the device can not response command by NI VISA when the computer had installed Keysight VISA.
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.4.1
Release notes
1. Force trigger strategy changed (same as SDS2000X HD)
2. Save/Recall
   a) Supported to save all sequence segments
   b) Supported Auto Save
3. Fixed several bugs
   a) Cannot communicate with the SDG2000X and SDG7000A over USB in Bode Plot
   b) Random +/-200 ps skew between channels after power/reboot cycle
   c) [Power analysis] - Switching losses - Error in calculations
   d) FFT wrong vertical scale
   e) Memory channel trace always on top
SPD3303C Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes

1、This firmware version only supports V2.0 hardware version of SPD3303C  

A.  V2.0 hardware version of SPD3303C do not support rolling back to the previous firmware version
B.   V1.0 hardware version of SPD3303C do not support upgrading to this version
C.  Press and hold the "NO.1~5" button for 2 seconds, after releasing it, it will display H2.0, which is the V2.0 version hardware
2. Need to use P20 version EasyPower to upgrade this firmware
SNA5000 Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Added spectrum analyzer option
2. Fixed input bug in network configuration window
3. Fixed mouse click input box crash bug
4. Increased the touch-sensitive area of the DHCP checkbox
5. Modified the policy when the DHCP request fails
SSG5000X Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1.  Reduce the overshoot in the pulse function
2.  Add pause function and the amplitude can be changed during pause status in frequency step sweep mode.
3.  Added some setting’s SCPI commands.
SDM3045X Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.06R1
Release notes
  1. Fixed some unit faults in 06 version
  2. Fixed some bugs about communication with EasyDMM.
Release notes
  1. New serial protocols supported (optional):
    1. SENT, trigger & decode
    2. Manchester, decode only
  2. Measurement enhancement:
    1. Supported user-defined thresholds (Upper, Middle and Lower): Measure | Config | Threshold
    2. Added items: +Area@AC, -Area@AC, Area@AC, AbsArea@AC
  3. Math: added new operator – Interpolate
  4. Display:
    1. Supported selectable color for traces: Display | Color Setting
    2. Supported floating menu so that the waveform is not compressed  horizontally when the right-side menu is displayed: Display | Menu Style
    3. Supported to show bandwidth information on the channel descriptor box
  5. Save/Recall:
    1. Added option “Save all channel” for csv file
    2. Supported to save math traces (except FFT)
  6. Bode Plot:
    1. Optimized scan speed
    2. Fixed unexpected glitch issue
  7. Supported serial trigger as source of the frequency counter
  8. Unlocked zoom in stop mode for Roll
  9. Supported trigger Default or AutoSetup operations by pressing corresponding button twice
  10. Fixed several bugs
    1. Some vertical measurement error in roll mode
    2. Missed peak marker in FFT two-tone test
    3. AWG problem of importing the arb file from a U-disk
    4. Whenever the screen is touched, the pass/fail statistics is reset to zero
    5. SPI data value setting issue using virtual keypad
    6. Compatibility issue between WebServer and latest Chrome/Edge browsers
SSA3021/3032X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• Update EMI option to a new EMI measurement mode
• Improve TG output harmonic performance
• Update Help file
Solved Issues:
• Fix ADC overload warning
• Fix Ch Power calculation bug in small span
SSG3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Fix a bug for power meter function
2. Fix a bug for power meter filling flatness
SDM3065X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.07
Release notes
  1. Add customer defined senor function
  2. Add PT1000 thermistor.
  3. Add buzzer volume control function.
  4. Added customer defined time base in the trend diagram
  5. Added recording measurement data to external U disk .
  6. Fix some bugs: change the text size in the Dual display, the screen saving setup will be lost after reboot, move the CSV save function from the utility page to acquire page.
SDS5000X Series Firmware update
Version: V0.8.7R1B1
SDG6000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.35R5B1
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.19R2
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.08
SDG5000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.12
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.30.R1
SDG1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.39R7
SHS1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.02.02R7
SDS1000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.1.3.13
SDS1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SDS1000DL+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.02.01.07
SDS1000CML+ Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.02.32
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.8.1
SPD3303X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SPD1305X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.8
SPD3303C Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1.Add the OCP function (Long push the current button (‘A’) get into or exit OCP function)
2.Some improvements about the USB’s stability.
3. Compatible new ADC
Release notes
1、 Compatible new EEPROM chip
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
  • Add SCPI commands in MA Mode
  • Add Cable Atten to correct cable loss in DTF Mode
  • Add .trc file in EMI Mode
  • Add .lic file auto scan
Solved Issues:
  • Fix the false signals in density view in RTSA mode
  • Fix pi/4 DPSK和pi/8 DPSK decode errors in MA mode
  • Fix calibration error when port extension on in VNA mode
  • Fix fft frequency error in narrow span in SA mode
  • Fix trace avg calculation error in SA mode
  • Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.3.3
Release notes
Note: This release cannot be downgraded to former releases.
  1. Math: added filter operator
  2. Supported to save waveform as Memory traces, which store the raw data instead of the screen data (as Ref does), and can be source of Measure/Math etc.
  3. Measure: improved the AIM limit from 1,000 to up to 65,000 (AIM limit: the upper limit of horizontal parameters measure statistics in one frame )
  4. Optimized intensity display of math traces.
  5. Added support for mouse wheel when using a mouse
  6. Supported CP030 current probe (with LPA10 adapter)
  7. Eye Diagram: 100Base-TX signal supported
  8. Trigger: Pattern trigger strategy changed
  9. Power Analysis:
    1. Supported MOSFET SOA (Safe Operating Area)
    2. Bigger table size
  10. Fixed several bugs
    1. Moving the traces by gestures may cause the scope to freeze
    2. [Bode Plot]Vertical Ref.level manual setting is partially bad
    3. [Measure]Track plot - not working well in general
    4. [Power Analysis]Current harmonics forgets table/bar view
    5. Waveform Capture Rate breakdown at 20 ns/div
    6. Measurements skip buffers in history mode
SNA5000 Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Solved the menu button is not updated when the electronic calibration module is inserted or removed
2. Fixed a bug that the touch screen may crash under some cases
3. Fixed an option installation bug
SSG5000X Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1. Fix: In the custom mode, when save the state, some items are not saved.
2. Fix: Arb mode and pulse mode conflict. Now they can work simultaneously.
3. Fix: In Arb mode, there are some spurs, when On/Off the RF Mode button.
4. Fix: Some problems about LAN setting, VNC
SSA3021/3032X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V2. or later. If your SVA1000X has an earlier version, please update to V2. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • Add Limit mask offset in SA mode
  • TG Level adjustable in Reflection Meas
Solved Issues:
  • Fixed AM and FM symbol rate error, Lpf coefficient error, in AMA mode
  • Fixed Filter bandwidth error in DMA mode
  • Fixed Freq counter error in SA mode
  • Fixed Harmonic error in SA mode
  • Help Display error 
Release notes
1. Supported to hide analog traces
2. Added function expression information to the math box
3. Optimized AWG DC output accuracy at +/-3V
4. Frequency counter supported to count serial trigger events
5. Fixed several bugs
     a) Incorrect cursor horizontal label for FFT traces
     b) 2-channel 100MHz model cannot be upgraded to 350MHz
     c) FRFR measure invalid from Roll to Stop
     d) Unexpected behaviors when probe attenuation factor is not 1x
     e) Some bugs in PA
SDM3045X Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.05R3
Release notes
1. Fix a bug about single trig function .
2. Fix a bug about save/recall function.
3. Fix a bug in U disk update function .
4. Optimize the temperature measure function.
SLA1016 Firmware
Version: V8.1.16
SSA3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.7.7
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.8.2R1
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.07
SDG5000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.10
SDG6000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.33R2
Release notes
SDG1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.22R5
SDG1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.39R5
SDM3065X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.06R2
SSG3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SPD1168X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.8
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.4.0.0
Release notes
  1. Channel: two custom probe ratio options supported
  2. Fixed several bugs
    1. Bode Plot draw error (missing draw)
    2. Bode Plot - Very slow, nearly stuck, with some signal levels
    3. Counter - totalizer not showing all numbers
    4. Counter (time period) shows incredible numbers
SSA3000X-R Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
  • Add Ext Trigger Delay from 0-10 seconds in SA Mode
  • Add Limit in Log mag and Lin mag format; add calibration average; add s1p touchstone file save in VNA mode
  • VNA sweep points up to 10001; Scale down to 0.001 in Smith chart;
  • MA Filter type Nyquist change to Raised Cosine to align SCPI command; improve filter performance in low frequency
EMI RBW/Step from 1 to 3
Solved Issues:
  • SA mode:
Fixed the difference between marker and peak and marker style;
Fixed center Freq error;
Fixed limit fail to stop error;
Fixed auto frequency error;
Fixed in normalization, auto re-normalized after any setting changes
  • VNA mode:
Fixed phase error;
Fixed STA file saving error;
Fixed CSA file loading error;
Fixed S21 calibration error;
Fixed enhanced calibration error
  • RTSA mode:
Fixed continue peak preset error;
Fixed Freq step error
  • EMI mode:
Fixed frequency offset error;
Fixed saving std lim path error
  • Web browser: Fixed change IP error, Login error after changing password
SNA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
The first released version
SDL1000X/X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.1.21R2
Release notes
1. Fix bug: DHCP turn to be ON state after send *RST command.
2. Some units will crash after run for some time.
SSG5000X Series Firmware
Version: V1.
Release notes
Version Revision
  1. Fix: The UI was not updated in time when the power meter was pulled out.
  2. Fix: GPIB Address can not be changed.
  3. Fix: The mouse is hidden under VNC.
  4. Fix: Some wrong SCPI commands were executed.
  5. Optimize function with OCXO module.
  6. Optimize power meter function.
  1. Fix: Some power meter related SCPI commands do not work
  2. Fix: UI cannot be set without IQ board
  1. Optimize an overshoot signal generated when ALC is off.
  2. Changing the offset range of multicarrier.
  3. Optimizing the process of multicarrier generation.
  4. Add a prompt box when using remote mode.
  5. Use new license generation scheme
  1. Fix: There is a probability that white screen will appear after power on.
  2. Fix: AWGN State no reset.
  3. The IQ board detection only needs detection once.
The first released
SPD3303C Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1、The buzzer abnormally sounds when the set value overranges
2、Change the limit of series voltage to 60V
3、fix a bug of recall function.
SVA1015X Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SDS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V0.8.0R1B5
SDG800 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.08.01.06
SDG6000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V6.01.01.29R10
SDG1000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.01.01.39R2
SDM3065X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.01.01.03
SDM3045X Series Firmware Update
Version: V5.01.01.03
SDS2000X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.17R6
SSG3000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V01.
SSA3000 Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.2.7.3
SPD1000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.1.1.6R1
SHS800X/SHS1000X Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.21R6
Release notes
1.   Adapts to hardware version upgrades
SPD4000X Firmware Update
Version: V4.1.2.8R1
Release notes
1. The flag font in CC state is changed to red.
2.In case of channel output, P
ress the aLL key to disable All ON/OFF output, and then press the All ON/OFF key to enable four output channels.
SDS2000X Plus Operating System
Version: V5.4.0
SPD4000X Firmware Update
Version: V4.1.2.8
Release notes
1. The first release of the software version.
SDS3000X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.3.9
Release notes
Optimized Self-cal time from 52 minutes to 22 minutes. 
SSG5000A Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
1、Add open source statement
2、Fixed some bugs
SHA850A Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
Added open source agreement description.
SSG6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1、The first released
2、Added open source agreement description
SDS6000L Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.7.9
Release notes
Made Option 16LA Standard
SDS3000X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.3.7
Release notes
Made Option 16LA and Option FG Standard
Release notes
1.Made Option 16LA Standard
2.Measure: added new items △time1 ~ △time4
3.Fixed several bugs
a)With low probability after start-up trace(s) not at Zero without input
b)The color of “Math” LED not correct when F3 or F4 is activated
c)Chinese Traditional font issue
d)SMB connection fails when domain is used
e)IP setting issue
f)Scope dead when FW upgrade fails in the case that space at /local not enough
SDS1000X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.3.8
Release notes
  1. Optimize UI, change "on/off" to "On/Off".
  2. Solve the problem that some numbers from 200-223 cannot be entered in the first byte of the IP address.
  3. Standard software functions of FG and LA.
SDS800X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.3.8
Release notes
  1. Optimize UI, change "on/off" to "On/Off".
  2. Solve the problem that some numbers from 200-223 cannot be entered in the first byte of the IP address.
  3. Standard software functions of FG and LA.
SHN900A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
1.The first time introduced.
2.Added open source agreement description.
SDS7000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.5.2
Release notes
Solved some issue on production line
SDG7000A Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.1.32R3
Release notes
  1. Support the waveform playback generated by SigIQPro;
  2. The maximum number of burst cycles up to 10^13;
  3. Solve the problem of output error when the length of first waveform in sequence is greater than 30M points.
  4. Solve the problem of output error when the frequency is greater than 500MHz in sweep mode. 
SDS800X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.3.6
Release notes
  1. Solve the problem of trigger holdoff fails.
  2. Solve the problem of CAN decoding causing crashes with a small probability.
  3. Modify the kernel solve the problem that scpi cannot be used on a computer with keysight driver installed.
  4. Solve the problem of advanced trigger (Qualified, Nth Edge, Delay, Setup/Hold) parameters are not recalled.
  5. Solve the problem of delay trigger level setting error.
  6. Solve the problem of when the edge is set to Alternating, trigger jitter will occur when entering the other trigger type. 
  7. Solve some known problems.
  8. Optimize waveform capture rate.
  9. Optimize Self calibration speed.
  10. Optimize UI.
SDS3000X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.3.3
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.7.8
Release notes
1. Fixed several bugs
a) Cannot exit from Bode plot in some case
b) Cannot detect active probes correctly when the probes are connected at power-on
c) “Set to 50% level” takes the scope frozen in some case
d) Sample rate is displayed incorrectly after reboot from Fixed Memory Length mode
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.6.3
Release notes
1. Fixed some serious bugs in Roll and Sequence
2. Optimized external trigger jitter
3. Fixed some freezing bugs
SDS7000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.5.1
Release notes
1. Cursor: Supported more cursors, and more flexible cursor combination
2. Fixed several bugs
SSA5000A Firmware Update
Version: V.
Release notes
New Functionality:
  • Add Phase Noise Measurement Mode
  • Add Noise Figure Measurement Mode
  • Add Pulse Measurement Mode
  • Add Blue Tooth Analysis Mode
  • Add AF spectrogram, SNR,Dist/Total,THD parameter analysis results in AMA Mode
  • Add image browsing in SYSTEM 
Solved Issues:
  • EMI mode Scan Only rescan with one less count issue
  • EMI mode sending command unable to rescan meter and Meas issues
SHA850A Firmware Update
Version: V2.
Release notes
New Functionality:
  • Add GNSS timing.
  • Add the outdoor map downloader software EasyMAP.
  • Add automatic screenshot and data store for LIMIT. 
  • UI Response improvement 
Solved Issues:
  • Fixed small RBW display.
  • Fixed the abnormality of warm drifting calibration (compatible with old machines: calculating two problems with errors).
  • When the DTF is solved to the feet format, the cursor returning unit is the problem of YARDS.
SDS7000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.4.2
Release notes
  1. Supported new probes: Siglent’s SCP5030, SCP5030A, SCP5150, SCP5500
  2. Measure: Optimized UX of Track and Trend; Supported to export measure data
  3. Fixed several bugs
  • Slow response after pressing Math button
  • AWG: SCPI cannot set Load
  • Some bugs of USB2.0 compliance test
  • Some bugs of 100Base-TX and 1000Base-T compliance test
  • Some bugs on Options’ unlock
SDS800X HD Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.3.3
Release notes
1. Solve the problem that Bode Plot cannot control sdg1000
2. Solve the problem that user probe coefficient are not restored after reboot
3. Solve the problem that the screen does not support multi-touch
Release notes
1. Support SDS1000X HD and SDS800X HD, 8.2.x is only applicable to SDS1000X HD and SDS800X HD.
SHA850A firmware update
Version: V2.
Release notes
New Features:
•Kml recording function.
•Supports importing maps.
•Supports map feature under Channel Power measurement record playback in SA mode.

SCPI Commands:
•Added [ [:SENSe]:WAVeform:POINts? ] command to obtain the number of IQ sampling points.
•Added [ :FETCh:WAVeform? ] command to obtain IQ collected waveform data.

Optimized Function:
•Optimized the Channel Power measurement refresh response efficiency in SA mode.
•Optimized VNC refresh efficiency.

Solved Problem:
•Fixed unstable frequency counter in SA mode.
•Fixed audio demodulation buzzing sound in SA mode.
•Fixed when trace is view in SA mode, a large error will be obtained when executing alignment.
•Fixed incorrect sequence number when harmonics obtain fundamental wave amplitude in SA mode.
SDG7000A Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.1.31
Release notes
  1. Support frequency hopping function
  2. Built in EasyWaveX supports multi pulse function
  3. Add the function of erasing user waveform files with one click
  4. Solve the problem of system unresponsiveness when loading incorrect IQ waveform files
  5. Solve the problem of occasional loss of locking when using OCXO
  6. Solve the problem of loading network disk waveform files getting stuck
  7. Fixed the bug of false alarms for overvoltage
Release notes
  1. Supported Memory traces: M1 ~ M4
  2. Math: supported 4 traces: F1~F4
  3. Decode: supported ARINC429
  4. Supported USB-GPIB adapter
  5. Fixed several bugs
         a. Incorrect time after reboot when time zone = Europe/Rome
SHA850A Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release notes
New Functionality:
• VNA new format: Unwrap Phase/Real/Imaginary
• VNA trace: Z Reflection

• Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
• Add SCPI commands in MA Mode
• Add Cable Atten to correct cable loss in DTF Mode
• Add .trc file in EMI Mode
• Add .lic file auto scan

Solved Issues:
• Fix pi/4 DPSK和pi/8 DPSK decode errors in MA mode
• Fix calibration error when port extension on in VNA mode
• Fix fft frequency error in narrow span in SA mode
• Fix trace avg calculation error in SA mode
• Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
SSA5000A Firmware Update
Release notes
• Support EMI mode
• VNC interface optimization
Solved Issues:
• The default detection type of the third-order intermodulation in SA mode is changed to Pos
• Fixed cursor readout update error when the readout type is not auto
• 10db higher signal amplitude under harmonic analysis
• Harmonic analysis cannot modify the number of harmonics
• Solved the problem that FTP cannot be used
• MA mode time domain graph marker display unit corrected to dBV
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.5.3
Release notes
Revision Record
1.The first release

Upgrade Instructions 

Upgrade from the Web Server
A built-in web server provides an approach to control the instrument by web browser. This process doesn’t require any additional software to be installed on the controlling computer. Set the LAN port correctly (see the User Manual for details), input the IP address of the instrument in the browser address bar, and then the user can browse and control the instrument on the web.
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.
Click the “FirmwareUpdate” button in the web interface
Select the correct update file (*.ads) stored on the computer. The instrument will automatically download the update file and perform the upgrade once the file is specified. 
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.

Upgrade from a U-disk (USB Memory device)

WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.
Note: If your firmware version is less than V1.0.5.3, you need to perform twice the V1.0.5.3 upgrade
Copy the update file (*.ads) to a FLASH type U-disk, and then insert the U-disk into one of the USB host ports of the instrument.
Click on the Utility on the instrument control screen, and press "Maintenance -> Upgrade". The following the menu should pop up and allow you to select the upgrade file
Click Browse in the menu above, and then select the correct update file (*.ads) in the pop-up resource manager
Click the recall icon  in the interface above and return to the upgrade dialog. Click Upgrade to perform the upgrade operation: 
The system will first copy and verify the upgrade package. After the upgrade package is validated, the following interface will appear. Click Reboot to continue the upgrade, or click Cancel to cancel it.

After the instrument reboots, check the version number through the Utility->System Info to confirm if the upgrade is successful.
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.

SSG5000A Firmware Update
Version: V2.
SDL1000X-E Firmware
Version: V1.1.1.22R1
SDG7000A Series Firmware Update
Release notes
  1. Fixed the bug of pulse output error under specific configuration
  2. Added amplitude sweep function
  3. Added the adjustment of channel skew
  4. Supported multi-file operation in the file manager
  5. Optimized the storage strategy of waveform data in sequence playback (The digital channel does not support sequence playback)
  6. The PRBS rate up to 625Mbps
  7. Fixed the bug of abnormal signal output during waveform switching
SHS800X/SHS1000X Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.21R3
Release notes

1. Optimize the response of the universal knob
2. Optimize the selection strategy of the universal knob in level adjustment and displacement adjustment
3. Optimize the beep response time of the DMM continuity test
4. Optimize the response strategy of the shift button in recorder mode
5. Fixed several bugs
  a) The horizontal and vertical displacement keys do not respond when they are short-pressed
  b) File manager is not updated in time after the U disk is unplugged
  c) Bugs under CAN decoding
  d) Some bugs under the Navigate function
  e) Offset adjusts the wrong channel bugs
  f) Multimeter cannot reading small capacitance in the 40nf range
  g) Wrong corner display after repeated version upgrades
  h) Cannot enter the Meter using the SCPI command
  i) Some help information description error
SPS5000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.1.1.8R1
Release notes
1. Compatible new EEPROM chip
Release notes
  1. Math: filter supported
  2. Optimized knob acceleration
  3. Force trigger strategy changed
  4. Fixed several bugs
    1. Scope gets confused about time zone and time
    2. Digital Channels display bug with >5M memory
SPS5000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.1.1.8
Release notes
1. Change some user interfaces and operation methods
2. SET button changes to V/I function in main windows.
3. Optimized some features in list’s setup/save/web menus 
SDG2000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V2.01.01.17R5
SDS6000A Firmware Update
Version: V1.3.9.0
Release notes
  1. Added English help
  2. Added SCPI commands for network storage
SPS5000X Series Firmware Update
Version: V3.1.1.6
Release notes
First released version
SDS1104X-U Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.5R6
Release notes
Support EasyScopeX(From V100R001B02D01P21)
Release notes
1. Add the socket function, the port is 5025
2. Add ‘Short’ button enable function
3. Fix several bugs
Release notes
1. Supported Sign as a math function
2. Updated the Webserver. The built-in bin2csv tool supported to convert binary data of digital channels
3. Added English help information
4. Fixed several bugs
SDL1000X/X-E Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.1.1.19R1
SPD3303C Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.
Release Notes
Release Notes
Bldg No.4 & No.5, Antongda Industrial Zone, 3rd Liuxian Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China