SDS6000L Low Profile Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Main Features
- 500 MHz, 1 GHz, 2 GHz models
- 8/4 analog channels + 1 external trigger
- 5 GSa/s (10 GSa/s ESR) per channel
- Record Length up to 500 Mpts
- Waveform capture rate up to 750,000 wfm/s (Sequence mode)
- SYNC-64 to Synchronize 64 x SDS6000L

Logic Probe hardware kit
Compatible with SDS7000A/SDS6000A/SDS6000L/SDS5000X/SDS3000X HD/SDS2000X HD/SDS2000X Plus series of oscilloscopes.
Compatible with SDS7000A/SDS6000A/SDS6000L/SDS5000X/SDS3000X HD/SDS2000X HD/SDS2000X Plus series of oscilloscopes.
DF2001A Deskew Fixture
Power analysis deskew fixture.
For use with voltage and current probes and the Power Analysis option available on the 4 channel units of the SDS2000X,SDS2000X Plus, SDS5000X, SDS6000L,SDS6000A and SDS7000A series oscilloscopes.
For use with voltage and current probes and the Power Analysis option available on the 4 channel units of the SDS2000X,SDS2000X Plus, SDS5000X, SDS6000L,SDS6000A and SDS7000A series oscilloscopes.
High Voltage Probe
Bandwidth: 40 MHz; Maximum input differential voltage DC:10 KV; AC(rms):7 KV(sine);AC(Vpp):20 KV(Pulse); attenuation ratio1:1000; Accuracy:≤3%
High Voltage Differential Probe
DPB5150, DPB5150A, DPB5700, DPB5700A, DPB1300, DPB4080
Current Probe
See related manuals on the details page.
See related manuals on the details page.
SAP1000 Single-ended Probe
1 GHz single-ended active probe for use with the SIGLENT SDS5000X, SDS6000A,SDS7000A series oscilloscope
SAP2500 Single-ended Probe
2.5 GHz High-speed single-ended active probe, SAPBus interface
SAP2500D Differential Probe
2.5 GHz High-speed differential probe
The STB-3 was designed as a teaching / training aid used to demonstrate how to trigger and display complex signals on a modern oscilloscope. Signals include various sine and square waves, AM, burst, and common serial bus signals. Power is supplied by a standard USB cable.
Waveform generator (software)
25 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Power Analysis (software)
Power Analysis
Eye Diagram/Jitter Analysis (software)
Eye Diagram and Jitter Analysis (software)
I2S trigger & decode (software)
I2S trigger & decode (software)
MIL-STD-1553B trigger & decode (software)
MIL-STD-1553B trigger & decode (software)
FlexRay trigger & decode (software)
FlexRay trigger & decode
CAN FD trigger & decode (software)
CAN FD trigger & decode
SENT trigger & decode (software)
SENT trigger & decode
Manchester decode (software)
Manchester decode
SCP5000 Series Current Probe
Powered by oscilloscope via SAPBUS
Including: SCP5030, SCP5030A,SCP5150, SCP5500
Compatible with SDS7000A/SDS6000A/SDS6000L
/SDS5000X/SDS3000X HD series of oscilloscopes.
Including: SCP5030, SCP5030A,SCP5150, SCP5500
Compatible with SDS7000A/SDS6000A/SDS6000L
/SDS5000X/SDS3000X HD series of oscilloscopes.
SP6150A 1.5 GHz Oscilloscope probe
For more information, view the SP6150A Datasheet