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SIGLENT: Home / Support / Downloads
SDS6000L Series Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.7.9
Release notes
Made Option 16LA Standard
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.7.8
Release notes
1. Fixed several bugs
a) Cannot exit from Bode plot in some case
b) Cannot detect active probes correctly when the probes are connected at power-on
c) “Set to 50% level” takes the scope frozen in some case
d) Sample rate is displayed incorrectly after reboot from Fixed Memory Length mode
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.6.3
Release notes
1. Fixed some serious bugs in Roll and Sequence
2. Optimized external trigger jitter
3. Fixed some freezing bugs
SDS6000L Firmware Update
Version: V1.0.5.3
Release notes
Revision Record
1.The first release

Upgrade Instructions 

Upgrade from the Web Server
A built-in web server provides an approach to control the instrument by web browser. This process doesn’t require any additional software to be installed on the controlling computer. Set the LAN port correctly (see the User Manual for details), input the IP address of the instrument in the browser address bar, and then the user can browse and control the instrument on the web.
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.
Click the “FirmwareUpdate” button in the web interface
Select the correct update file (*.ads) stored on the computer. The instrument will automatically download the update file and perform the upgrade once the file is specified. 
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.

Upgrade from a U-disk (USB Memory device)

WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.
Note: If your firmware version is less than V1.0.5.3, you need to perform twice the V1.0.5.3 upgrade
Copy the update file (*.ads) to a FLASH type U-disk, and then insert the U-disk into one of the USB host ports of the instrument.
Click on the Utility on the instrument control screen, and press "Maintenance -> Upgrade". The following the menu should pop up and allow you to select the upgrade file
Click Browse in the menu above, and then select the correct update file (*.ads) in the pop-up resource manager
Click the recall icon  in the interface above and return to the upgrade dialog. Click Upgrade to perform the upgrade operation: 
The system will first copy and verify the upgrade package. After the upgrade package is validated, the following interface will appear. Click Reboot to continue the upgrade, or click Cancel to cancel it.

After the instrument reboots, check the version number through the Utility->System Info to confirm if the upgrade is successful.
WARNING: DO NOT shut off the instrument until the update is completed.

Release Notes
Release Notes
Bldg No.4 & No.5, Antongda Industrial Zone, 3rd Liuxian Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China