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SIGLENT: Home / Support / Downloads
Release notes
1.Made Option 16LA Standard
2.Added new Analysis function: Serial Signal Test (Analysis | Serial Signal Test)
3.Optimized UI
4.Supported USB-GPIB adapter
5.Fixed several bugs
a)IP setting issue
b)Scope dead when FW upgrade fails in the case that space at /local not enough
c)"Bended" / "tilted" trace at small V/div
d)Math: Filter sample rate adaption cannot work
e)Frequency / Period measurements fail on certain waveforms
SDS2000X Plus Firmware Update
Version: V1.5.2R3
Release notes
Fixed an issue on the production line
Release notes
Fixed a calibration bug only existing on Rev.G hardware (06-xx).
Release notes
  1. Measurement enhancement - Added setup/hold time: tsu@R, tsu@F, th@R, th@F
  2. Optimized UI
  3. Added SCPI commands for Measure Cursors and clearing measure items in Simple mode
  4. Supported LXI (only with the Uboot-OS Version 5.4)
  5. Supported time zone setting
  6. Fixed several bugs
    1. Webserver doesn’t show instrument UI if the scope reboot with a wireless mouse connected
    2. Incorrect “Recall”icon in the File Manager
    3. Scope freezes with AWG enabled and measure cursor on rise time
    4. IP setting of AWG in Bode Plot not remembered after reboot
    5. Network storage only works for SMB1.0
    6. MEAS:SIMPle:ITEM\sOVSN,ON does not work as expected
    7. Roll time incorrect at 1ks/div and 20kpts
    8. Raw data not consistent in x and sinx/x interpolation modes
    9. Math: Dx parameter of Derivation cannot be increased by universal control
    10. Incorrect FFT sample rate
Release notes
  1. Fixed several bugs of 1.3.9R10
    1. Compatibility issue on 2-channel models
    2. WebServer control issue
Release notes
Compatible with new hardware (hardware version: 04-xx).
  1. This is a firmware compatible with new hardware. No feature or specification difference between it and 1.3.9R6. It’s not necessary to upgrade it from 1.3.9R6 to this release.
  2. This release cannot be downgraded to former releases. 
Release notes
  1. Fixed several bugs
    1. When selecting the option screen the scope hangs
    2. Wrong FFT frequency when memory depth > 10 Mpts
    3. Incorrect network storage path leads the scope to hang
Release notes
  1. Measurement enhancement:
    1. Supported cursors for measurement
    2. Supported Track plot
    3. Added parameters: Positive Slope and Negative Slope
  2. Display:
    1. Supported to display axis label
    2. Auto hide menu setting increased to 10 seconds
    3. Added “Hide” button in the fast menu of channel for quickly hiding trace
  3. Save/Recall:
    1. Supported network storage
    2. Supported to Print only grid area
    3. Supported to save FFT result
    4. Updated the File Manager
  4. Bode Plot:
    1. The maximum generator amplitude changed from 6Vp-p to 24Vp-p
    2. Supported single sweep
  5. Horizontal: Time Zero strategy updated – time zero changed from center display to trigger position.
  6. Acquisition: Deleted some unnecessary clear operations on the history buffer
  7. Updated Russian menu
  8. Supported setting Cursors by virtual keypad
  9. Fixed several bugs
    1. Decode failure occurs on last nibble or byte
    2. The “STL?” query issue in AWG function
    3. If persistence is enabled, and you change the trigger setting, persistence will be switched off
    4. Decode list can't go higher than item #2
    5. Decode format is reset to "binary" when recalling stored settings
    6. Sequence capture does not work with serial trigger from digital channel
    7. ERES 0.5-bit works for ERES(C1), but not for ERES(F1)
    8. The icons for rise and fall time in the Measure Select screen are reversed
    9. When switching the attenuator, the message “Zone is too small” appears
    10. After shutting-down the scope and rebooting not all settings are restored
    11. Bode plot abnormal when Sequence is enabled
    12. SENT decode: tolerance not functional
    13. SENT decode: only display CRC segment but no calculation on the
    14. CRC checksum
    15. SENT decode: The Short Serial data is NOT decoded if only 16 frames are sent. If a 17th frame follows, the data is decoded
    16. SENT decode: Changing the horizontal time/div affects the ability to decode.
    17. Save/recall: Number of digits of time stamp is not enough in the long period
    18. Infinite persistence not works after switching between 8-bit and 10-bit
    19. Tolerance of UART decode too strict
    20. FFT max. scale is unrealistic
Release notes
  1. New serial protocols supported (optional):
    1. SENT, trigger & decode
    2. Manchester, decode only
  2. Measurement enhancement:
    1. Supported user-defined thresholds (Upper, Middle and Lower): Measure | Config | Threshold
    2. Added items: +Area@AC, -Area@AC, Area@AC, AbsArea@AC
  3. Math: added new operator – Interpolate
  4. Display:
    1. Supported selectable color for traces: Display | Color Setting
    2. Supported floating menu so that the waveform is not compressed  horizontally when the right-side menu is displayed: Display | Menu Style
    3. Supported to show bandwidth information on the channel descriptor box
  5. Save/Recall:
    1. Added option “Save all channel” for csv file
    2. Supported to save math traces (except FFT)
  6. Bode Plot:
    1. Optimized scan speed
    2. Fixed unexpected glitch issue
  7. Supported serial trigger as source of the frequency counter
  8. Unlocked zoom in stop mode for Roll
  9. Supported trigger Default or AutoSetup operations by pressing corresponding button twice
  10. Fixed several bugs
    1. Some vertical measurement error in roll mode
    2. Missed peak marker in FFT two-tone test
    3. AWG problem of importing the arb file from a U-disk
    4. Whenever the screen is touched, the pass/fail statistics is reset to zero
    5. SPI data value setting issue using virtual keypad
    6. Compatibility issue between WebServer and latest Chrome/Edge browsers
Release notes
1. Supported to hide analog traces
2. Added function expression information to the math box
3. Optimized AWG DC output accuracy at +/-3V
4. Frequency counter supported to count serial trigger events
5. Fixed several bugs
     a) Incorrect cursor horizontal label for FFT traces
     b) 2-channel 100MHz model cannot be upgraded to 350MHz
     c) FRFR measure invalid from Roll to Stop
     d) Unexpected behaviors when probe attenuation factor is not 1x
     e) Some bugs in PA
Release notes
1. Supported Sign as a math function
2. Updated the Webserver. The built-in bin2csv tool supported to convert binary data of digital channels
3. Added English help information
4. Fixed several bugs
Release Notes
Release Notes
Bldg No.4 & No.5, Antongda Industrial Zone, 3rd Liuxian Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China