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SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.

1. New Functionality:
 Add Picture Viewer
 Add Open Source Acknowledge
 Add Remote Control Mode, when entering, the interface displays system time, limit status, system messages, etc., shielding UI refresh. SCPI: DISPlay:WINDow:ENABle ON|OFF
 Save the configuration every 60 seconds, and load it when Power On is turned Last
 SA/VNA mode Limit Setup adds Fail to Save, which automatically saves screenshot and trace data when the Limit Test result is Fail. It can only be used when Fail to Stop is turned ON

2. Improvements:
 Preset optimization: When pressing the Preset button, it will first jump to the Preset menu instead of directly performing Preset; Touch Assist's Preset adds preset option
 Optimization System Info display content
 When taking screenshots, do not capture the message indicating successful screenshot
 Limit the length of numbers entered on the screen and keypad
 Add SCPI commands to read system messages:SYSTem:MESSage?
 Added screenshot function under the Help window
 Set the FFT menu to invalid when the SA mode cannot select FFT
 SA mode can open the Freq Counter for markers other than marker 1
 The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace
 The SA mode peak table displays the peak of the current trace, rather than the current marker’s trace
 The dBc parameter range of the SA mode OBW is changed to negative numbers
 When Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode, set Detect Type to Average
 In SA/MA/EMI mode, Wait for Trigger is displayed only if Trigger is not triggered for 2 seconds.
 Add Display Line in SA/VNA/DTF/MA/EMI mode
 When using markers in SA/VNA/DTF/MA/EMI modes, display the marker info enlarged in the upper left corner of the screen
 SA/EMI mode display more information of limit fail and pass
 Return more marker information when using SCPI command :CALCulate#:MARKer#:Y? in SA mode
 The MA mode supports the SCPI command: TRACe#[:DATA]? to get trace data
 SCPI command for setting marker X in MA mode: TRACe#:MARKer#:X supports specifying time units

3. Solved Issues:
 Fix the problem of the inconsistency between the numerical accuracy displayed in SA mode Freq menu Ref Offset and the status bar on the left
 Fix the problem of Marker display unit error when Noise Marker is turned on in SA mode
 Fix the problem of the SCPI command TRACe#:MODE in the SA mode setting trace type, which causes a crash when the selected trace exceeds the range.
 Fix the problem of not adding Freq Offset to the marker x value in SA mode
 Fix the problem of Correction errors when switching between X-Scale Lin and Log in SA mode
 Fix the problem of inconsistent units and settings for values obtained by SCPI commands :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:RLEVel? in SA/EMI mode
 Fix the problen where Sweep Time may be incorrect when set EqLPF to Auto in MA mode
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
  • Optimize the Ref level and Att couple
  • Add SCPI commands in MA Mode
  • Add Cable Atten to correct cable loss in DTF Mode
  • Add .trc file in EMI Mode
  • Add .lic file auto scan
Solved Issues:
  • Fix pi/4 DPSK和pi/8 DPSK decode errors in MA mode
  • Fix calibration error when port extension on in VNA mode
  • Fix fft frequency error in narrow span in SA mode
  • Fix trace avg calculation error in SA mode
  • Fix the zero sweep type when fft in SA mode
SVA1000X Firmware Update
Version: V3.
Release notes
This firmware must be upgraded from V3. or later. If your analyzer has an earlier version, please update to V3. first and then proceed to update to the latest version.
New Functionality:
  • Added Ext Trigger Delay from 0-10 seconds in SA Mode
  • Added Limit in Log mag and Lin mag format;
  • Added calibration average;
  • Added s1p touchstone file save in VNA mode
  • VNA sweep points up to 10001; Scale down to 0.001 in Smith chart;
  • MA Filter type Nyquist change to Raised Cosine to align SCPI command; improve filter performance in low frequency
  • EMI RBW/Step from 1 to 3
Solved Issues:
  • SA mode:
Fixed the difference between marker and peak and marker style;
Fixed Center Freq error; Fix limit fail to stop error;
Fixed Auto frequency error;
Fixed In normalization, auto re-normalized after any setting changes
  • VNA mode:
Fixed Phase error;
Fixed STA file saving error;
Fixed CSA file loading error;
Fixed S21 calibration error;
Fixed Enhanced calibration error
  • EMI mode:
Fixed Frequency offset error;
Fixed Saving std lim path error
  • Web browser cannot change IP, and cannot login after changing password
Release Notes
Release Notes
Bldg No.4 & No.5, Antongda Industrial Zone, 3rd Liuxian Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China