SIGLENT Technologies exhibited at 2019 ASEE

SIGLENT NA team members Steve Barfield and Jason Chonko attended the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference, held June 15-19, in Tampa, Florida. ASEE is the only show dedicated to the professional needs of engineering educators across all disciplines in the USA.
The ASEE conference is a very popular exhibition for SIGLENT, and it is the third time for us to take part in it. This time, we introduced visitors with a $1500 education bundle which includes the SDS1202X-E oscilloscope, SPD3303-C power supply, SDM3045X digital multimeter and SDG1032X function generator. Also, we demonstrated a Smith Chart for a 900 MHz antenna by the SVA1015X spectrum and vector network analyzer.

For the related product information, please click here:
SVA1000X series spectrum & vector network analyzer:
SDS1000X-E series digital oscilloscopes:
SPD3303C programmable power supply:
SDM3045X digital multimeter:
SDG1000X series function/arbitrary waveform generators:
We wish to thank the attendees that stopped by for the interesting discussions and we look forward to seeing you again next year!