Digital Oscilloscopes
SIGLENT oscilloscopes provide the perfect balance between features and price. With bandwidths from 50 MHz to 4 GHz, low noise vertical scales down to 500 uV/div, and features like compliance test,serial decoding, sequence function, Eye diagram / Jitter analysis and MSO capabilities, SIGLENT will quickly become your scope of choice.

SDS1000CFL QuickStart
SDS1000CFL QuickStart
SDS1000CML+ QuickStart
SDS1000CML+ QuickStart
SDS1000X QuickStart
SDS1000X QuickStart
SDS1000X-E/SDS1000X-U QuickStart
SDS1000X-E/SDS1000X-U QuickStart
SDS2000X QuickStart
SDS2000X QuickStart
SDS2000X-E QuickStart
SDS2000X-E QuickStart
SDS5000X QuickStart
SDS5000X QuickStart
USB Cable
USB-A to USB-B. Used to connect instrument to PC for communication.
Power cord
The instrument comes standard with one power cord that meets the standards of the user's country. Additional power cords for different regions can be purchased separately.
Passive Probe
PB470, 70 MHz;
PP510, 100 MHz;
SP2030A, 300 MHz
PP510, 100 MHz;
SP2030A, 300 MHz
Passive Probe
PP510: 100 MHz;
PP215: 200 MHz;
SP2035: 350 MHz
PP215: 200 MHz;
SP2035: 350 MHz
SP3050A Passive Probe
SP3050A: 500 MHz passive probe, one pcs per channel
Passive Probe
PP510: 100 MHz;
PP215: 200 MHz;
PP215: 200 MHz;
Passive Probe
PB470,70 MHz;
PP510,100 MHz;
PP215,200 MHz;
PP430,300 MHz
PP510,100 MHz;
PP215,200 MHz;
PP430,300 MHz
Passive Probe
PB470:70 MHz Bandwidth
PP510:100 MHz Bandwidth
PP510:200 MHz Bandwidth
PP510:100 MHz Bandwidth
PP510:200 MHz Bandwidth
SDS2000XP QuickStart
SDS2000XP QuickStart
Certificate of calibration
Factory calibration certificate
SDS6000A Quick Start
Quick Start of SDS6000A oscilloscope
Wireless Mouse
Improve operation efficiency.
Protective Cover
Protect screen and buttons from damage
SDS2000X HD Quick Start
Quick Start of SDS2000X HD
SP3150A Passive Probe
SP3150A,500 MHz
Passive probe
More detail click "Siglent Probe Datasheet "
SDS7000A Quick start
SDS7000A Quick start
Protective Cover
Protect screen and buttons from damage